
Kubrick vs Scorsese Posted by DeK on June 22, 2010 @ 11:51 am | Comment 25 days, 34 films, 1 tribute by Leandro Copperfield. Filed Under Cool Like that, Fiction, Hollywood Smooth, Royalty, Web Projects/ Installments Tom Cruise is Les Grossman Posted by DeK on June 8, 2010 @ 11:28 am | Comment Newly signed Biscuit Filmworks director Aaron Stollar directed four hilarious spots staring Tom Cruise and a crapload of other stars for the MTV Movie Awards 2010. Glossy has the whole package. Check out Les Grossman Show Opener, Risky Business, Hair and Wedding. Full credits are here. Filed Under Comedy, Fiction, Ham it up, Parodies, Portraits, Royalty, Television Shows The Big Thing Posted by DeK on May 12, 2010 @ 10:02 am | Comment 1851: Elias Howe receives patent for an “Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure” (zipper) 1889: The Eiffel Tower is completed for the Parisian World Fair of the same year BUT, one detail that the history books never mention is that the World Ended that same year in 1889, in Paris. Just then, Lucifer & the Archangel Michael hatched a successful plan, followed it through, overcoming perilous obstacles, and got the job done. For the first time, our film documents and re-creates the End of the World as it really occurred. A short film by Carl Laudan. (via Short of the Week) Filed Under Be Seduced, Burton Universe, Comedy, Fiction, Hollywood Smooth, Royalty, Shorts Mary Jane Posted by DeK on July 19, 2009 @ 10:23 am | Comment Lee Van Cleef is my DJ What does a beauty pageant and spaghetti westerns have in common. Well, apparently, the soundtrack since Francesco Calabrese did this unofficial spaghetti cut of his promo for Dieter Schöön‘s single Mary Jane (from the album Lablaza), starring Simona Nasi. Watch Mary Jane. (also here!) Filed Under Being a woman, Drama, Fiction, Music Video, Royalty, Westerns The Last Laugh: How the Markets Really Work Posted by DeK on October 11, 2008 @ 5:25 am | 3 Comments Like America, some of the greatest British journalists and analysts also happen to be comedians. Watching The Last Laugh with John Bird (in the guise of investment banker, George Parr) and John Fortune (together known as the Long Johns), the same can certainly be said in Britain as well. This is a transcript of this insightful comedian team who brilliantly and accurately describe the mindset of the investment banking community in this satirical interview. It was especially insightful considering this was recorded last year. Watch it. (Flash Video) Filed Under Is it funny?, Money, Painfully Intelligent, Royalty, Television Shows The Pumpkin of Nyefar Posted by DeK on October 6, 2008 @ 4:53 am | Comment A story about a prince who could marry any beauty in his kingdom, but instead chooses to wait for true love. As fate would have it, the prince finds true love in the form of a pumpkin. The second installment in Cartoon Brew TV is this short animated movie directed by Tod Polson and Mark Oftedal. The story was co-written by Maurice Noble (1911-2001). Watch it. (Flash Video, MPEG-4) CBTV #4 should be out today. Tune in! Filed Under Animation - Pixney, Be Seduced, Cute, Sweet & even Cheesy, Fiction, Love, Quiet Laughter, Royalty, Shorts JibJab – Time for Some Campaignin’ Posted by Ajit on July 18, 2008 @ 10:58 am | Comment On what has become an electoral tradition, the JibJab crew sets their eyes on Obama & McCain (& Hilary). Watch it (via Crooks & Liars) Filed Under Celebrity, Ham it up, Laugh out funny, Musicals, Politics, Royalty, Shorts L’animateur Posted by DeK on May 3, 2008 @ 11:12 am | Comment The origin of the species is shown by an almighty puppet master who takes his puppet stage to a desert planet. A short stop animated movie by Nick Hilligoss. Watch it: MPEG-4 – Flash Video via Transbuddha Filed Under Animation - Quay Brothers, Fiction, Royalty, Shorts, Stop Motion Hitler Banned From iSketch! Posted by Ajit on October 5, 2007 @ 11:30 am | 1 Comment There is hell to pay if you mess with Hitler’s toys. Hilarious mash-up! Watch it – via Kottke Update: Dek says it is a rip-off. The views in this video eclipses the other video and was also posted earlier. So I agree. Filed Under Celebrity, Commercials, Kids POV, Laugh out funny, Pathetic Losers, Royalty, Virals, Wilde venom All about Brando

All about Brando
Marlon Brando’s Screentest for Rebel without a Cause. One of the earliest recordings of Brando, handsome in all his boyish looks. He is not the effortless older self that we are accustomed to but he is still pretty convincing.

Photos of Marilyn Monroe and Brando by Milton H. Greene promoting a production at the Actor’s Studio.

Brando appears in Monty Clift’s home video. The playful side.

Brando and Robert De Niro improvising a scene for The Score. If you have ever been part of an improv, you will immediately recognize why these actors are so special. So relaxed, so “in the moment.” There is a general plot in the conversations but each take has something completely different.

Brando plays with cheese in The Godfather’s fake screentest.

Robert Duvall talks about The Godfather and then gets into Brando’s acting techniques. Part one & two.

Interview with a young Brando. Never knew Brando had such drumming skills. A very different interview style from:

Interview with Larry King. Part one, two, three, four, five, six.

Meet Marlon Brando. Part one, two & three. Another fascinating look into Brando’s strong personality. In many ways, Brando was very repetitive. This film was made by the Maysles brothers. Probably the most truthful portrait of the actor.

Christian Brando (Marlon’s Son) on how well he coped as a celebrity child, this was before he messed up and daddy saves him. It is so weird watching both his sons imitate their fathers.

His speech (not a video) for refusing the Oscar for The Godfather read by an American Indian Woman.

Brando’s entry in Wikipedia, it reads like an incredible story.

