
Stylish new poster arrives for The Amazing Spider-Man

The publicity machine is beginning to churn in earnest for ’s new take on Spider-Man, as this teaser poster emerges from the shadows to prove
It’s a spider, but it’s only got four…oh, we get it, his arms and legs are the other four because he is the spider… deep. This iconic new poster for Mark Webb’s  sums up Peter Parker’s spider identity in one shadowy image: man meets spider, spider meets man.

Due for a 3D release in July, The Amazing Spider-Man stars Andrew Garfield in the title role, with  as love interest Gwen Stacey and Rhys Ifans as the scientist who does mess-around with his DNA to become The Lizard.
The film’s first teaser trailer arrived back in July, and generated a mixed reaction. There was head scratching from some quarters at the need for another Spidey not a decade after Sam Raimi’s trilogy, applause and eager anticipation from others, and a little seam of inevitable protestation from those wishing to protect their sacred texts. All of which sounds about average for a comic book adaptation.
The proof of the pudding, as always, will be in the watching. The Amazing Spider-Man comes to UK cinemas on the 4th of July 2012. Get a closer look at the film’s moody new poster below.
The Amazing Spider-Man

