While we all get a little puffy when we spend several hours on a flight and few of us can lay claim to looking like models after a transatlantic flight, Perry really made every effort to avoid being snapped. Perhaps she was makeup-free? Hungover? Desiring privacy?
She peered out from under the towel, which made her look like a super fashion conscious nun, for a hot second, to check where she was. All we could see was a pair of sunglasses. Perry was covered from head to toe as she made her escape to a waiting car. Sometimes a gal doesn’t want to be photographed, even when she is a pop diva.
Perry looks to be wearing sweats, but notice that that her footwear is high end, too. She’s rocking white Chanel sneakers, as you can tell from the design house’s double C logo.
She flies in style, that’s for sure.