
Marlon Brando is The Godfather

Marlon Brando is The Godfather - Someday, and That Day May Never Come…
60cm x 91.5cm (24" x 36") Poster
Gangster Movie Poster: This poster features Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone in a scene from one of the most famous gangster films of all time, The Godfather. Rarely can it be said that a film has defined a genre, but never is that more true than in the case of The Godfather. Since the release of the 1972 epic (which won ten Academy Award nominations and was named Best Picture), all "gangster movies" have been judged by the standards of this one. In this picture Corleone is dressed in trademark dinner jacket and shirt and delivers the immortal line: "Someday-and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift".

