
Sorry to harp on about Brando but Seale (see below) was quoted as saying:" I had always admired Marlon from the time I was 16 and saw The Wild One"The admiration was, for a time at least, mutual. I've come across a great quantity of videos confirming this fact on search on video http://www.tubehome.com According to Bosworth's biography Brando asked Seale to look over the script of Burn!.He certainly attended Black Panther secretary (and, lest we forget, a 17yr old boy) Bobby Hutton's funeral saying that Hutton could have been his son. Not all those involved in the struggle for racial equality approved of Brando's intervention. Brando believed James Farmer the head of the Congress of Racial Equality "despised me because I was just another knee jerk white liberal to him." Brando's interest and support for the Panthers seems to have ended in May 68.

